Bitten by a bug

I’ve been bitten by the entrepreneurship bug. I know, many people can swat it away when it comes buzzing, but as much as I’ve tried over the past few years, this time the venom isn’t going away.

I know it’s not for everyone, but the more I’ve explored where I want to be in a few years, I realized a couple of things. I want to spend more time with my family. I want to take the kids to school, volunteer in their classroom, and work outside on the back porch.

The biggest thing is to be able to take full personal responsibility for my life and the life of my family. How much I work, how hard I work, and how much I make is up to me. Personal responsibility is a funny thing these days. Every wants to do what they want, except when it comes to having to take care of themselves. That’s when they want someone else to do it for them.

I’ve been filling my head with all kinds of things like books, podcasts and blog posts. I’m formulating plans and I’m excited to try new things. I’ve taken a values assessment and oddly enough the two things that motivate me the most are financial rewards and altruism. Two things that seem to be in opposite directions, but can really complement each other quite well. If I do things with greater financial rewards, I can work less and give more of my life to others.

The only thing that I don’t have is a lowered risk meter. While I almost got a perfect score in the Entrepreneurship Quizzes book, the one I answered no two was taking big risks. There are ways to lower the risk like vetting ideas, making a plan, and saving some money up, but it’s still a risk nonetheless.

I guess if you’ve ever wondered what you should be doing with your life, have you ever considered working for yourself? I’m going to be releasing an ebook that I’ve written over the past few months soon. It won’t help you determine if entrepreneurship is right for you, but it may help you if you’ve been struggling in your career lately. Keep your eyes out for it!

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